Mary Keenan

... because a girl can't read or write or eat dessert all the time

Hi, I'm Mary.  I'm a writer who gave up knitting years ago because there were only so many hours in the day and carpal tunnel braces in the house.  But knitting, like the Undead, has crept back again. And this time I'm doing wrist exercises.

The Blog... with links to other knitting sites, technique descriptions, yarn suppliers, and more

The Patterns, and bonus knitting bits

The Nice Note You're Writing Me

The Stories That Got Away
(and into a book)

"The Thrill of the Chase"
Going Out With A Bang:
A Crime and Mystery Collection
by the Ladies' Killing Circle
RendezVous Crime
ISBN 978-1-894917-73-5

"Mamma's Girl"
Blood on the Holly:
An Anthology of Christmas Mysteries
edited by Caro Soles
(a Crime Writers of Canada Collection)
Baskerville Books
ISBN 978-0-9686776-7-4

"Tee'd Off"
Fit to Die
by The Ladies' Killing Circle
RendezVous Crime
ISBN 0-020141-87-3

"Knitting for Love"
KnitLit: Sweaters and Their Stories
edited by Linda Roghaar and Molly Wolf
Three Rivers Press
ISBN 0-609-80824-9